{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/commercial-boiler-services-barnet.js"],"names":["BackgroundSection","className","children","query","render","data","imageData","bbisHero4","childImageSharp","fluid","Tag","backgroundColor","title","description","keywords","class","backdrop","href"],"mappings":"6iDAaMA,EAAoB,SAAC,GAAD,IAAGC,EAAH,EAAGA,UAAWC,EAAd,EAAcA,SAAd,OACxB,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,MAAK,YAYLC,OAAQ,SAACC,GAEP,IAAMC,EAAYD,EAAKE,UAAUC,gBAAgBC,MACjD,OACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,IAAI,UACJT,UAAWA,EACXQ,MAAOH,EACPK,gBAAe,WAEdT,IAvBT,UA8Ba,4BACb,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEU,MAAM,mEACNC,YAAY,6LACZC,SAAS,KAEX,kBAACd,EAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,wBAAIC,UAAU,mBACZ,wBAAIc,MAAM,iBAAV,qEAEF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAOC,SAAS,UAChB,kBAAC,IAAD,SAIJ,yBAAKD,MAAM,iBACT,wBAAIA,MAAM,sBAAV,gFACA,wBAAIA,MAAM,QAAV,qFAEA,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAOC,SAAS,UACd,kBAAC,IAAD,OAEF,wBAAID,MAAM,QAAV,qCACA,qYAIA,wBAAIA,MAAM,QAAV,0CACA,mXAIA,wBAAIA,MAAM,QAAV,oCACA,4RAGA,oFACyD,IACvD,gCACE,uBAAGE,KAAK,qBAAR,kBAHJ","file":"component---src-pages-commercial-boiler-services-barnet-js-7651d132b919fe03a80a.js","sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby'\nimport { Jumbotron } from \"../components/Jumbotron\";\nimport { Row, Col, Modal, Button } from \"react-bootstrap\";\nimport SEO from \"../components/SEO\";\nimport \"../assets/css/App.css\";\nimport \"../assets/css/index.css\";\nimport Layout from \"../components/Layout\";\nimport \"../assets/css/Section.css\";\nimport BackgroundImage from \"gatsby-background-image\";\nimport { graphql, StaticQuery } from \"gatsby\";\nimport CallBackForm from \"../components/CallBackForm\";\n\nconst BackgroundSection = ({ className, children }) => (\n {\n // Set ImageData.\n const imageData = data.bbisHero4.childImageSharp.fluid;\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n }}\n />\n);\n\nexport default () => (\n \n \n \n \n

    Commercial heating repairs, installation and servicing in Barnet

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Looking for commercial heating repairs, installation and servicing in Barnet


We repair, service and install a wide range of electric, gas, LPG and oil\n boilers

\n \n \n \n

Commercial heating boiler service


Ensuring your regularly servicing your commercial boiler is really important to ensure it is running as safely and\n efficiently as possible, our team cover Barnet and the surrounding areas. When your boiler is serviced, it will highlight any possible problems that can be\n fixed before a breakdown occurs, ensuring it’s always optimised and won't let you down.\n


Commercial heating boiler installation


Looking for a new boiler for your commercial premises? Older boilers become increasingly less energy efficient and costly to run.\n It maybe the time to have a new boiler fitted if you are having regular breakdowns\n and repairs to your central heating system. We can help you through the boiler installation process and operate in Barnet area.\n


Commercial heating boiler repair


We understand the inconvenience of your premises being without heating or hot water, and how detrimental it will be for\n the smooth running of your business. We will always aim to get to you the same day (or next working day if same day is not possible).\n


\n For a professional heating service contact us today on{\" \"}\n \n 0800 2289800 \n \n or request a call back by using this form\n

\n {/* \n \n \n */}\n