{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/components/PlantRoomExamples.jsx","webpack:///./src/pages/commercial-heating-engineer-london.jsx","webpack:///./src/assets/Images/Projects/marblehouse/newmarblehillhouse.jpg","webpack:///./src/assets/Images/Projects/wimpole.jpg","webpack:///./src/assets/Images/Projects/portlandplace/devonshiresquare.jpg"],"names":["PLANT_ROOM_EXAMPLES","title","desc","link","image","MarbleHillHouse","PortlandPlace","Wimpole","className","map","i","key","to","src","alt","styled","Button","data","description","keywords","class","id","fluid","gasboilerheatinginstallationsgen","childImageSharp","href","gasboilerroom","query","module","exports"],"mappings":"gPASMA,EAAsB,CAC1B,CACEC,MAAO,wBACPC,KAAK,4MAGLC,KAAM,oDACNC,MAAOC,KAET,CACEJ,MAAO,0BACPC,KAAK,gQAELC,KAAM,sDACNC,MAAOE,KAET,CACEL,MAAO,0BACPC,KAAK,mSAILC,KAAM,sDACNC,MAAOG,MAII,eACb,OACE,oCACE,6BAASC,UAAU,QACnB,wGACE,wBAAIA,UAAU,iBACXR,EAAoBS,KAAI,SAACC,GAAD,OACvB,wBAAIF,UAAU,OAAOG,IAAKD,EAAEP,MAC1B,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKK,UAAU,mBACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMI,GAAIF,EAAEP,KAAMK,UAAU,IAC1B,4BAAKE,EAAET,QAET,2BAAIS,EAAER,OAER,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKM,UAAU,mBACb,yBACEK,IAAKH,EAAEN,MACPI,UAAU,QACVM,IAAI,oC,oWC5CHC,YAAOC,IAAPD,CAAH,KAMH,sBAAe,IAAZE,EAAW,EAAXA,KAChB,OACE,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEhB,MAAM,4EACNiB,YAAY,sMACZC,SAAS,6JAEX,6BAASC,MAAM,aACb,wBACEC,GAAG,2DACHb,UAAU,sBAFZ,4DAMA,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEc,MAAOL,EAAKM,iCAAiCC,gBAAgBF,MAC7DR,IAAI,yBACJN,UAAU,kDAEZ,4BACE,4BACE,uBAAGiB,KAAK,kEAAR,kEAIF,4BACE,uBAAGA,KAAK,4EAAR,4EAKF,4BACE,uBAAGA,KAAK,oEAAR,qEAKJ,ggBAUA,wBACEJ,GAAG,gEACHb,UAAU,WAFZ,iEAMA,8OAKA,4BACE,4BACE,2BACE,uDADF,yQAQF,4BACE,2BACE,wDADF,6SASF,4BACE,2BACE,sEADF,oSASF,4BACE,2BACE,+DADF,6SAUJ,wBACEa,GAAG,0EACHb,UAAU,QAFZ,2EAOA,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEc,MAAOL,EAAKS,cAAcF,gBAAgBF,MAC1CR,IAAI,yBACJN,UAAU,mCAEZ,wTAOA,4BACE,4BACE,2BACE,0DADF,0QAQF,4BACE,2BACE,oEADF,+LAOF,4BACE,2BACE,kEADF,4OAQF,4BACE,2BACE,qDADF,gTASF,4BACE,2BACE,kDADF,2PASJ,wBACEa,GAAG,kEACHb,UAAU,QAFZ,mEAMA,gTAOA,4BACE,4BACE,2BACE,oFADF,0HAMF,4BACE,2BACE,0GADF,oHASF,4BACE,2BACE,yFADF,8JASF,4BACE,2BACE,iHADF,qGASF,4BACE,2BACE,qFADF,2IAOF,4BACE,2BACE,oGADF,iIASJ,wLAKA,mZAQA,2RAMA,kBAAC,IAAD,SAMD,IAAMmB,EAAK,c,uBCrRlBC,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,kE,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,uD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B","file":"component---src-pages-commercial-heating-engineer-london-jsx-c62ca63a8694888d4606.js","sourcesContent":["import { Link, graphql } from 'gatsby';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport Img from 'gatsby-image';\n\nimport MarbleHillHouse from '../assets/Images/Projects/marblehouse/newmarblehillhouse.jpg';\nimport PortlandPlace from '../assets/Images/Projects/portlandplace/devonshiresquare.jpg';\nimport Wimpole from '../assets/Images/Projects/wimpole.jpg';\nimport { Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';\n\nconst PLANT_ROOM_EXAMPLES = [\n {\n title: 'Marble House - London',\n desc: `A dated boiler room installed in the 1970’s by the old GLC.\n Parts were obsolete for the ageing boilers and plant. The\n plant room was in dire need of modernisation.`,\n link: '/commercial-plant-room-installation-marble-house/',\n image: MarbleHillHouse,\n },\n {\n title: 'Portland Place - London',\n desc: `A boiler room which has had several updates and adaptions over the years. After the work was completed\n the new plant room now comprises of 3 new A rated condensing gas boilers with a new flue system discharging high above the roof of the building. `,\n link: '/commercial-plant-room-installation-portland-place/',\n image: PortlandPlace,\n },\n {\n title: 'Wimpole Street - London',\n desc: `The old boiler room occupied two rooms and was deigned and built in\n the 1980’s. The plant was removed and a complete new boiler made in\n half the original space. This allowed the other half to be turned in\n to a reception area and washroom facilities.`,\n link: '/commercial-plant-room-installation-portland-place/',\n image: Wimpole,\n },\n];\n\nexport default () => {\n return (\n <>\n

Take a look at some of our previous plant room designs and installations:

\n \n
\n \n );\n};\n\nexport const query = graphql`\n query PlantRoomExamplesImages {\n marblehouse: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n newmarblehillhouse50: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/newmarblehillhouse.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n marblehouse1: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse1.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n marblehouse2: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse2.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n marblehouse3: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse3.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n marblehouse4: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse4.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n marblehouse5: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse5.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n marblehouse6: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/marblehouse/marblehouse6.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 945) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n }\n`;\n","import React from 'react';\nimport '../assets/css/App.css';\nimport '../assets/css/index.css';\nimport { Button, Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';\nimport styled from 'styled-components';\nimport Img from 'gatsby-image';\nimport SEO from '../components/SEO';\nimport { Link, graphql } from 'gatsby';\nimport Layout from '../components/Layout';\nimport PlantRoomExamples from '../components/PlantRoomExamples';\n\nconst StyledButton = styled(Button)`\n & {\n margin: 0;\n }\n`;\n\nexport default ({ data }) => {\n return (\n \n \n
\n \n Choosing the Right Commercial Heating Engineer in London\n \n \n \n

\n When it comes to maintaining and repairing the heating systems in your\n commercial space, it is essential to hire a qualified and experienced\n commercial heating engineer. With so many options available in London,\n it can be overwhelming to choose the right professional for your\n needs. In this article, we will discuss the qualifications and\n experience of commercial heating engineers, factors to consider when\n hiring one, and important questions to ask during the interview\n process.\n

\n \n Qualifications and Experience of Commercial Heating Engineers\n \n

\n Before hiring a commercial heating engineer, it is important to ensure\n that they are properly qualified and have relevant experience in the\n field. Here are some key qualifications and experience to look for:\n

  1. \n

    \n Gas Safe Registered: One of the most important\n qualifications for a commercial heating engineer is being\n registered with Gas Safe, the official gas registration body in\n the United Kingdom. This ensures that the engineer is competent\n and legally allowed to work on gas appliances.\n

  2. \n
  3. \n

    \n Trade Certifications: Look for certifications\n such as City & Guilds or NVQ in Heating and Ventilation,\n Plumbing and Heating, or a similar trade qualification. These\n certifications indicate that the engineer has undergone formal\n training and has the necessary technical knowledge to handle\n commercial heating systems.\n

  4. \n
  5. \n

    \n Experience with Commercial Systems: Commercial\n heating systems are often more complex and larger in scale\n compared to residential systems. It is important to hire an\n engineer who has specific experience working with commercial\n heating systems to ensure they can effectively diagnose and\n resolve any issues that may arise.\n

  6. \n
  7. \n

    \n Manufacturer Certifications: Some heating system\n manufacturers offer specific training and certifications for their\n products. Hiring an engineer who is certified by the manufacturer\n of your heating system can provide assurance that they have\n in-depth knowledge of the specific equipment installed in your\n commercial space.\n

  8. \n
\n \n Factors to Consider When Hiring a Commercial Heating Engineer in\n London\n \n \n

\n When selecting a commercial heating engineer in London, there are\n several factors that should be taken into consideration. These factors\n will help you narrow down your options and ensure you hire the most\n suitable professional for your needs. Here are some key factors to\n consider:\n

  1. \n

    \n Reputation and Reviews: Research the reputation\n of the heating engineer and their company by reading online\n reviews, testimonials, and asking for recommendations from other\n businesses. A positive reputation is an indication of their\n reliability, professionalism, and quality of work.\n

  2. \n
  3. \n

    \n Insurance and Liability Coverage: Verify that the\n heating engineer holds valid public liability insurance. This\n insurance provides protection in case any damage or accidents\n occur during the repair or maintenance work.\n

  4. \n
  5. \n

    \n Availability and Response Time: Consider the\n availability and responsiveness of the heating engineer. Heating\n emergencies can happen at any time, so it is important to hire\n someone who can provide prompt assistance and ensure minimal\n downtime for your business.\n

  6. \n
  7. \n

    \n Range of Services: Determine the range of\n services offered by the heating engineer. Do they specialize in\n commercial heating systems? Are they equipped to handle various\n types and brands of heating equipment? It is beneficial to hire an\n engineer who can provide comprehensive services to meet all your\n heating needs.\n

  8. \n
  9. \n

    \n Cost Estimates: Obtain detailed cost estimates\n from multiple heating engineers. Compare the pricing structure,\n breakdown of costs, and any additional charges that may apply.\n Keep in mind that the lowest price may not always guarantee the\n best quality service.\n

  10. \n
\n \n Questions to Ask When Interviewing Commercial Heating Engineers\n \n

\n When you have shortlisted a few potential commercial heating\n engineers, it is essential to conduct interviews to get a better\n understanding of their skills, experience, and suitability for your\n project. Here are some important questions to ask during the interview\n process:\n

  1. \n

    \n What are your qualifications and certifications?:\n Inquire about their Gas Safe registration, trade certifications,\n and any manufacturer certifications they may hold.\n

  2. \n
  3. \n

    \n \n Tell me about your experience working with commercial heating\n systems?\n \n : Ask for examples of previous projects they have worked on and\n their experience with systems similar to yours.\n

  4. \n
  5. \n

    \n \n How do you ensure compliance with safety regulations?\n \n : Ensure that the engineer is knowledgeable about safety\n regulations and practices, as well as following proper procedures\n for testing and certification.\n

  6. \n
  7. \n

    \n \n What is your availability and typical response time for\n emergency situations?\n \n : Determine whether they have the capacity to handle emergencies\n and the expected response time.\n

  8. \n
  9. \n

    \n Can you provide references from previous clients?\n : Ask for references or testimonials from previous clients to get\n a better understanding of their professionalism and quality of\n work.\n

  10. \n
  11. \n

    \n \n Do you offer any warranties or guarantees on the work performed?\n \n : Inquire about any warranties or guarantees provided, as this\n demonstrates the engineer's confidence in their workmanship.\n

  12. \n

\n By asking these questions, you can gain valuable insights into the\n expertise and professionalism of the commercial heating engineers you\n are considering.\n


\n In conclusion, choosing the right commercial heating engineer in\n London requires careful consideration of their qualifications,\n experience, reputation, and other essential factors. By following\n these guidelines and asking the right questions, you can ensure that\n your commercial heating system is in capable hands, providing comfort\n and efficiency for your business space.\n


\n At BBIS, we have experienced and qualified heatings engineers which\n can assist with any problem with maintenance issues you may have. Let\n us know what service you require and we can send one of our heating\n engineers to help you with your heating setup.\n

\n \n
\n );\n};\n\nexport const query = graphql`\n query HeatingEngineerImages {\n gasboilerheatinginstallationsgen: file(\n relativePath: { eq: \"Hero/bbis-hero-2.jpg\" }\n ) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 1137) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n gasboilerroom: file(relativePath: { eq: \"Projects/wimpole.jpg\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n fluid(maxWidth: 1137) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluidLimitPresentationSize\n }\n }\n }\n }\n`;\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/newmarblehillhouse-1dbfb2733983fe32c0cf825bf7cca9b8.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/wimpole-454af06308b47839bc2da124bf64462a.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/devonshiresquare-c6fe2b563c42ae1e7d8955026c50eb24.jpg\";"],"sourceRoot":""}